WSVIEW allows you to visualize and print drawings in WSCAD format created by WSCAD 5. You have the option to browse the project by pages, and zoom. You can view: grids, coordinates in millimeters, and display cable conductors. Also you can show power-pins, dimensions, labels, and change colors to: pins, cables, lines, bus, variables, sheet border, grid, etc.
To begin you must open a file with format WSCAD 5 (mdb extension). Projects for previous versions can't be opened.
Menu options:
- File menu. Here you can open and close WSCAD files, go to a page, open a project, print, and exit the program. With the option Go to Page you can browse the project by pages. With the dialog option you can see all listed pages and preview them. With the Project option you can see all project listed and ordered by parts.
Zoom menu. Here you can zoom in (F2), zoom out (F3) or fit to page the actual drawing (F4).
- With the Option menu you can switch on or off: the grid, coordinates, display cable conductors, update variables, terminals, and show dimensions. Also you can change colors, fonts, go to print settings, and choose a different language.
- Window menu. Here you can display the drawing in one or more windows.
Also you can check symbol parameters clicking the right mouse button.